What to Expect


Beaverlodge Alliance Church (BAC) belongs to THE ALLIANCE (click link below for more info) in Canada and is located in Beaverlodge, Alberta. We are glad you’re interested in exploring BAC and attending a worship service is a great place to start.

Sunday Services @10am onsite or online

409 -10 Street Beaverlodge, AB

What to Expect

Click the questions below to find out more.

What will happen when I attend?

A greeter will welcome you at the front doors and point the way to the lobby and Sanctuary. Feel free to sit wherever you want. You are welcome to bring drinks into the Sanctuary. If you have kids, a greeter will happily tell you what is available that day for your children.

What are services like?

Worship services are about 1.25 hours long, they begin with music led by our worship team, followed by teaching from the Bible that we hope will encourage you and draw you closer to Jesus. In between the worship and teaching, there will be some sharing about the things happening at Beaverlodge Alliance Church. At the close of each service, there will be people at the front if you would like to receive prayer.

How should I participate?

Feel free to participate how you’re comfortable. Sing along while standing or sitting, praise God with your hands outstretched or your eyes closed or just quietly take it all in – there is no one way to participate in the service. There will be a tithing and offering talked about mid-service; you can choose to give if you feel led- there is no pressure or expectation. If you would like to engage beyond Sunday mornings, start by filling out our CONNECT CARD that you can ask one of our pastors or elders for, you can fill out CONTACT FORM online by clicking HERE and be sure to like our FACEBOOK PAGE to stay connected.


What should I wear?

Some dress casual, others dress up more. Come in whatever you’re comfortable wearing. We like you the way you are.

Where do I park?

Feel free to park anywhere in our church parking lot located at the back of the church or on 10th street at the front of the building.

What do you offer for kids?

Every 1,3 & 4th Sunday, kids (6 months to 4 years) enjoy their time of playing and care in secure areas with screened workers. Kids (5-12) join in for worship and then are dismissed to enjoy their own time of age-appropriate learning with screened workers. Kids Ministry takes a break during the summer. Learn more about CHILDREN’S MINISTRY.

On the 2nd Sunday of the month, all kids are invited to stay in the main service. We provide coloring sheets for children. Although we love having kids in the main service, we also know that sometimes their wiggles and giggles can be a bit stressful for their parents so we provide a parent supervised nursery downstairs with the service streamed as an option.