
Beaverlodge Alliance Missions

One of the core values of the Global Ministries of the Christian and Missionary Alliance is to glorify God by loving Him wholeheartedly and passionately seeking to complete the work He has given us to do. In consideration of this calling, the Beaverlodge Alliance Missions Team has the following goals:

1. To promote, educate and create opportunities to support our cluster international workers (including members of our congregation working with non-CMA organizations) as an integral part of our congregation.

2. To create an awareness in the members of the congregation of BAC that they are God’s chosen people whom HE has called to work along side our cluster international workers through prayer, giving and going.

3. To support the thrust to ensure that BAC will continue to develop as a missional church (a missional church lives out the church’s three-dimensional calling: to be upwardly focussed on God in worship that is passionate; to be inwardly focussed on community among believers that is demonstrated in relationships of love and compassion; and to be outwardly focussed on a world that does not yet know God. Chad Hall, LEADERSHIP, Winter 2007).


As part of the strategy to meet these goals the Missions Team reports regularly about significant Global Ministries events, international worker updates and Global Advance Fund YTD budget and giving. Regular features include:

  •  “Global Focus”, during the Sunday morning services
  • “Missions Corner” in the Sunday bulletin
  • Bulletin inserts

Mission Opportunities

This summer, we are planning another short term trip to Mexico City for anyone Grade 9 and up. Fill out the form below and bring it in to the office, or get it back to Pastor Nate.


  • – BAC is a supporting partner of Bear Lake Bible Camp (BLBC), providing two members for the BLBC Board, financial support and volunteer assistance for summer camp operations. https://bearlakebiblecamp.org/
  • – Global Church Partnership Plan (The Gideons International in Canada): The GCPP equips pastors and churches overseas with Bibles, while at the same time reaching Canadian communities. BAC commits monthly support to The Gideons and receives access to a number of Gideon scriptures, materials and participation on Global
    Outreach Teams. https://gideons.ca/get-involved/global-church-partnership.aspx
  • – BAC partners with the annual Peace Country Gospel Jamboree, which provides outreach opportunities for members of our congregation.

A Missions Conference or Weekend Event is planned and presented each year to bring together various aspects of CMA Global Ministries, other agencies and local outreach ministries that will help to further the missional church concept.

Jesus – – – looked up to heaven and said, “Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son so he can give glory back to you. For you have given him authority over everyone in all the earth. He gives eternal life to each one you have given him. And this is the way to have eternal life-to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.
John 17:1-4